Q & A

Troubleshooting (Q & A)

Q: The water in my pool/spa in green! What should I do?

A: Usually this means that the filter is dirty. By simply cleaning the filter and adding D.E. (Diatomatious Earth) if needed, the problem should be corrected.

Q: The walls in my pool/spa have turned green! Is there anything that I can do?

A: Two reasons that could cause the walls to turn green are, 1) a Dirty Filter - solution: clean filter, and 2) No Chlorine - solution: check chemicals and adjust properly, and scrub walls with a wire brush. If the walls are stained, you will need to drain and acid wash the pool/spa.

Q: My pool/spa has black algae. What can I do?

A: Two things that can attribute to black algae are, 1) the Chemicals Not Balanced correctly - solution: balance the chemicals, and 2) Dirty Pool/Spa - solution: vacuum pool/spa, brush spots with wire brush until spots are gone. If the spots do not fully disappear for two weeks, you may need to drain and chlorine wash the pool/spa.

Q: Whenever we go in our pool/spa we sometimes will get skin or eye irritations. What can be done to correct this problem?

A: Skin and eye irritations problems can be serious if not taken care of properly. Two things that can cause irritations are, 1) the Chlorine Level Is Too High - solution: drain pool/spa down to half-way, and then re-fill with fresh water. Once filled, balance the chemicals properly. 2) PH Too High Or Low - solution: test the PH and adjust to balance.

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